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突然の嵐と海面上昇によって危機に直面する島の人々。深海探査中だったジオは、エンジェル船長を説得して島に向かう。なんとかケイやピピ、島の住民を見つけだしたが、船に全員を乗せることは不可能だった。救助を待ちわびていた人々を目の前にして、エンジェル船長が下した驚きの決断とは!? 海面上昇の危機のなか、ジオたちは生き残ることができるのか。
Stock and delivery of books
Books handled in our store are not kept in stock, but are stocked and shipped upon receipt of an order.
Basically, we refrain from listing items that are in short supply, but in rare cases, we may run out of stock. If we are unable to deliver the item on our normal schedule, we will inform you of the [stock status and delivery date] by e-mail.
If we are unable to secure the ordered product due to it being sold out, discontinued, or no longer in production, we may cancel your order or refund your money.
Please understand the above in advance.